Posted by Liberty

Intentional Love

Many a person has started out never conceiving that their present love for someone, or something, could ever change; and while that may seem noble, you are only setting yourself up for heartache and bitterness; since you never consider the dangers of living in a sinful world.

Everything needs maintenance – your car, your home, your yard, and your relationships. If we are not being intentional with our love, then difficulty will soon manifest itself.

Matthew 24:12 – “And because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold”

Jesus made it plain; because of difficulty, the love of “many” will grow cold. It’s the person who recognizes they are vulnerable to this truth, that will become more intentional in their relationships – parent and child,  a marriage, or with the Lord Himself.

Take a look at these following questions, then at the following verses.

  • Could you ever hate someone?
  • Have you ever found your love for someone grow cold?
  • Could you ever imagine a time when you would no longer love people in your church; when you would no longer love your church; when you would no longer love other Christians?
  • John 8:45 Jesus told those around Him that one reason they did not believe, is because He told them the truth
  • Galatians 4:16 The Apostle Paul said he had now become the enemy of church at Galatia; because he told them the truth
  • 2 Timothy 4:3 Paul tells Timothy that a time is coming that when professing believers will no longer want truth; but instead they will want to hear what they think is right

These next 4 truths will be applicable to any relationship; whether it is with your local church, or your marriage. Being intentional is vital to all we do. As soon as we take something for granted, we are already in trouble (1 Corinthians 10:12-13).

4 Truths to help you be intentional with your love

  1. Be Present – Hebrews 10:24-25 (Step 1 in intentional love is showing up)
  1. Be Humble – Philippians 2:3-4 (Step 2 in intentional love is a desire to see others do well)
  1. Be Dedicated – Romans 12:9-10 (Step 3 in intentional love is accepting the fact that you have made a long term commitment)
  1. Be Involved – 1 John 3:18 (Step 4 in intentional love is remaining active)

Love grows cold when we are not intentional. If we are to avoid the danger of waxing cold, we must show up, we must desire the best, we must be committed long-term, and we must be active in the lives of others.