Are you raising an atheist?
All across America, professing Christians are doing their best to raise unbelieving children. How can this be?
Day after day, kids watch their parents; and they learn. They watch as:
- The name of Jesus Christ is hardly spoken (unless in blasphemy);
- The Bible is rarely read, and prayer is not heard (they see no connection to these things);
- Church is just some activity that takes place when all the circumstances are just right (it seems there are more self professing Christians faithful to watching Sons of Anarchy weekly then attending church);
- Moms and dads smoke, drink, and curse; and the kids wonder if God has any power;
- Selfishness leads to divorce, and sexual immorality leads to multiple relationships; and the children end up with little understanding of commitment.
They grow up believing the God their parents claim to believe in is powerless and not worthy of honor and worship; in fact, they believe he is about as real as Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, and Easter Bunny…
Generational unbelief is real, and it is happening. It always begins the same – with divided hearts. God is a jealous God over His people.
The cure is always begins the same – repentance. We then must move to Biblical instructions for the parent. They can be found in Deuteronomy 6:4-9. Remember, before our kids will ask us about Godly things, they first must be exposed to the Godly things (Exodus 13:3-10).
Pastor Mike