Deceived by Emotions?
God’s holy Bible instructs us to live by faith and not by sight (2 Cor. 5:7). Why?
Sight is based on emotion. When we see certain circumstances, or we feel pressure and stress over problems, we can become gripped with fear and doubt, and our strength can fade; causing us to break our commitments.
Faith is a trust in Jesus Christ that He is good and that He knows best; thereby allowing us to remain strong and committed during the storms of life (Romans 8:18-39).
When we break a promise or fail to keep a commitment, we must evaluate the reasons for such a serious act. We either made an emotional decision and said yes without counting the cost, or we did not have the faith to continue when the going got tough.
People walk away from God and His house every day, because they are operating on sight instead of faith. They allow fear, ridicule, guilt, bitterness, and sin to lead them in the opposite direction than what God desires for them.
Today, let us come honestly before God and confess any failures; and then ask for the faith to finish out our commitments with confidence. We are to be known by our love (John 13:35), and our kind of love stands out and keeps its promises (1 Corinthians 13:4-8).
Remember, God loves YOU greatly; and He will see YOU through (Philippians 1:6)
Pastor Mike