Can you find the key?
The key to joy, purpose, worth, and contentment exist. It is contained within God’s perfect plan of worship, service, fellowship, and relationship.
The Apostle Paul realized that the best place in life, was to be in the center of God’s will. Not because he was happy, not because he was in good health, not because he was safe, not because everything went his way, but because he had learned that the greatest calling of a Christian is to glorify God by being in loving obedience (2 Corinthians 11:33; Philippians 4:4-13).
When we read certain scriptures such as ; James 1:2-4 and Romans 5:3-5, we wonder how we can joyfully rejoice in hardship; yet the answer is right before us. In Philippians 4:11 Paul said that he had “learned”, and in the next verse he tells us he had been “instructed”; then in verse 13 Paul made a proclamation of his confidence through tribulation by saying “I can do this, because Christ is with me!”.
The key to spiritual sanity in this fallen world is pretty simple. As you faithfully walk with Jesus, He will teach us that He [Jesus] is faithful to us; and that through our difficulty we are getting stronger spiritually, and we are learning that problems are not really as big as we thought they were when we look at them through the lens of eternity (2 Corinthians 12:9-10).
Because of this truth, we soon understand that our whole purpose here as a Christian is to glorify God. As we worship Him, serve Him, fellowship with His people, and enjoy Godly relationships, we realize that our joy, our purpose, our worth, and our contentment is contained inside God’s perfect will.
You can have an abundant life and lasting joy; but it must be biblically based in God. Trust in God.
God bless,
Pastor Mike