Have you become prey?
Whether it was the days of Marlin Perkin’s Wild Kingdom, or Discovery Channel today, we have a clear visual of 1 Peter 5:6-11. As Satan prowls for his next victim, he is not looking for those who are strong and in the herd; he looks for those who are weak and alone.
As the herd moves, some lag behind. Maybe they were distracted, or maybe they have become weak due to a lack of feeding; but regardless of the reason, they have become the prey.
A lot Christians fall into this problem. Some allow problems and desires (Luke 8:13-14) to distract them; and some become weak because they fail to hear and heed the Word (Hebrews 10:25; James 1:19-27).
Peter gave us 4 points of advice to avoid becoming a victim of the devil. He said we must:
- Humble ourselves (v.6) – Surrendering to God’s will
- Entrust our cares to Jesus (v.7) – Letting Jesus be Lord, and not just Savior
- Stay aware & focused (v.8) – Intentional faith is able to discern between good and evil
- Remain strong (v.9) – Feeding on the Word and being devotional
YOU do not have to become prey; but YOU do have a responsibility in this walk of faith. Christ has supplied us with everything we need to be spiritually successful (Ephesians 1:3-4; 2 Peter 1:3-4), but we have to accept it and apply it.
Be blessed and be aware!
Pastor Mike