What does being in the center of God’s will look like?
In Isaiah 52:12, we see God telling Israel that deliverance is coming; and when they are delivered by their “Suffering Servant” in v.13-15, they will go out in the center of God’s will. God tells them that He will go before them, and that He will be behind them.
As Israel is led out, it will not be at the hand of oppression or bondage, but as a people set free unto holy liberty; and as they go [daily life], they will be able to do so in the center of God’s protection, provision, and presence.
So, what does it mean to be in the center?
- God before me – Verses like Proverbs 3:5-6, Psalm 119:105, Hebrews 5:13-14, and 2 Peter 3:18 all point to the fact that God’s truth [the Bible], is what leads our way in every situation. So to have God go before us, is to have His word in our hearts and on our lips as we live life for His glory (Psalm 119:9-16). A life that experiences holy abundance, will always be the life that wisely responded to God (Matthew 7:24-27).
- God behind me – Any time you travel in a dangerous place [the world], you need someone to watch for 2 things: 1. To make sure you are on the right path(Luke 15:3-7); and 2. To watch for the enemy (1 Peter 5:8). The straight and narrow is always the safest (Matthew 7:13-14), but sin and false doctrine can cause some to veer from the right way (Hebrews 3:12-13; Ephesians 4:11-17). Today, many use a GPS to help them stay on course; and yet God has given every Christian a better way – the Holy Spirit (John 16:15-21, 16:7-15).
Being in the center of God’s will, is to be living a life for God’s purpose. When the Christian finally sees them self as a Kingdom heir and partner (Romans 8:16-17; 2 Corinthians 5:18-20), they will desire to always be in the center (Romans 12:1-2).
May God bless you greatly as you seek to be in the center,
Pastor Mike