Living your life on black ice?
There it is, an unforeseen slick spot in the road; and you find yourself out of control. When it’s snowing or sleeting, it makes sense to be more cautious; but black ice is not as easy to spot.
Many Christians live their life on black ice. But should they? The conditions that cause black ice are simple; yet many get caught in the middle of it. A thin layer of ice is easy to overlook when you are not looking for it, or paying attention; but in a moment of time, your whole life can change.
The Bible tells us to watch out for the black ice areas in our life. 1 Peter 5:8 tells the believer to be aware and to be focused, because the devil is just waiting for those times when we slip up.
How can we avoid the black ice in our life? The scripture outlines a simple formula for staying in control as we go through life. In 1 Peter 5:6-10, we can find 4 safety tips that will help us navigate slippery conditions:
- Humility (v.6) – Many like to trust in their own ability, and pride keeps them from believing black ice will bring danger. When the believer finally sees their Savior as Lord, they will learn to obey.
- Trust (v.7) – Until we are willing to accept the whole counsel and authority of God’s word as best for our life, we will never let God direct our path; and we will find our self spinning on black ice. Many are deceived by thinking God cannot handle their problem; which leads them to make decisions out of desperation instead of faith.
- Focus (v.8) – Careless driving is dangerous; so is careless living. The Christian is warned to pay attention to every detail, because every turn may hide another patch of black ice.
- Wisdom (v.9) – Deliberately driving down an ice covered road places yourself in danger; yet we are told to resist those temptations that get us out of control. As the believer is humble, as they trust, and as they stay focused, they will have the wisdom to know which roads have black ice and which ones do not.
Verse 10 gives the believer great hope. Navigating life can be dangerous at times; but if we are willing to stay on the straight and narrow, we can be assured that Christ Himself will strengthen, perfect, and establish us.
Most Christians are able to spot the BIG dangers in life, but it is usually the little things that cause the most damage (Song of Solomon 2:15; 1 Corinthians 5:6-7).
I pray that you are staying safe in your walk with Christ; and as you keep your eyes upon Jesus, I know that you will.
God bless,
Pastor Mike