A reminder in the walk
Circumspectly… Irresistible grace may sound comforting, but it appears that the Bible teaches salvation is conditional upon faith in Jesus Christ; and that a born-again person should not take lightly the faith they claim to have. • Romans 11:11-24; 14:13, 20, 23 • Hebrews 3:12-14; 6:4-8 • 1 Corinthians 8:7, 9, 11 • 1 Timothy […]
Clean feet…
Pastor Mike
Thinking on our recent gathering while reading John 13, helped me see a couple of truths more clearly. 1. Feet washing can seem awkward, intimidating, and even silly to some (John 13:5-8); 2. Participating is a privilege through Christ (John 13:13-15); and 3. It creates a joy that is hard to imagine until you take […]
Why Christians can breathe easy through this election…
Pastor Mike
God has not called us to be responsible for setting up a Theocracy within America or the World – Christ will take care of those things at His return; and since the Lord is sovereign, nothing is outside of His control. He does expect a Christ-like Theocratic rule within the believer’s life and the church […]
7 Differences Between A Living & Dying Church
Pastor Mike
7 Things A Dying Church Does Regular attempts to minister in the community are not made, or are met with resistance from the members There is no focus within the church for regular Bible reading; therefore the people place little value on God’s Holy Word Because members are more worried about personal preferences, than the […]
How the Christian can be free of bitterness
Do you struggle with bitterness? Many Christians do. When things do not go as we planned or expected, or when others mistreat and malign us, we can become angry and bitter. Consider these truths, as you ask the Lord to free you from the bondage of bitterness: • Spend less time focusing on the hurt […]
Step Into The Water
Step Into The Water Understanding The Call To Be Baptized Why Be Baptized? • Scriptural baptism pleases the Lord. Whenever we follow the example and command of our Lord Jesus Christ, we please our heavenly Father (Matthew 3:13-17, 28:18-20). • Scriptural baptism is part of our testimony to the world. Jesus said, “Whosoever therefore shall […]
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